Towards a more inclusive and gender-equal world.

Invictus Africa is a non-profit organization that promotes human rights and gender equality through data-driven advocacy, leveraging digital technology, engaging stakeholders, and building capacity.

What We Do


We collect, analyze, and visualize data in simple and accessible infographics to depict gender inequality gaps and advocate the promotion of human rights.


We leverage digital technologies for data collection and analysis, advocacy and awareness, and virtual education and support in advancing human rights and gender equality.


We conduct programs and activities to enhance the knowledge and capacity of relevant stakeholders toward realizing human rights and gender equality.


Invictus Africa’s virtual data hub

Orange Pages

Our Orange Pages is a national directory of 300+ sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) responders and service providers through whom victims/survivors can access help and support.

Our Donors and Partners

At our organization, we are proud to work with a diverse range of donors and partners who share our commitment to promoting human rights and gender equality. Through our collaborations, we are able to drive impactful change and make a real difference in the world.